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Shipping times range from 10 to 18 days, depending on the destination country. To most countries, delivery shouldn’t take longer than 2 weeks from the day of the dispatch. We’re still trying to wrap our heads around how the postal system works as we had packages delivered to the USA in 5 days straight, and sometimes it would take 30 days to deliver to you. We guess it’s fair to say that the delivery time is a bit random, and to our great regret, there’s nothing we can do about it. Also we have express shipping option and DHL option for faster delivery.
Our packages will not, in most cases, require your signature, but it ultimately depends on your local post. What we know for certain is that in case you’re not at home at the time of delivery and the package doesn’t fit through the parcel door chute, you will need a valid ID to pick it up from your local post office. This is also why we do not recommend using fictitious names when ordering.